Our Technology

The Medtronic GI Genius: AI-Powered Polyp Detection
If you’re due for a colonoscopy, you’ll be pleased to know that our endoscopy center uses the latest technology to make the procedure even more effective. We are proud to offer the Medtronic GI Genius polyp detection system: an innovative tool that helps us detect polyps with greater accuracy.

Polyps are small growths in the colon that can sometimes become cancerous. Detecting and removing polyps during a colonoscopy can prevent cancer from developing in the first place. The GI Genius system uses advanced computer algorithms to analyze real-time images from the colonoscope, highlighting areas of the colon that may contain polyps that might have been missed otherwise.
Why AI?
This technology is a game-changer for gastroenterologists like us because it improves our ability to detect polyps during colonoscopies. The GI Genius system is not meant to replace the expertise of the gastroenterologist but rather to enhance it, allowing for more accurate and efficient detection of polyps.
With the Medtronic GI Genius polyp detection system, you can have confidence that we are using the most advanced technology available to help detect and prevent colon cancer. Our team of highly skilled gastroenterologists and technicians will ensure that your colonoscopy is performed with the utmost care and professionalism.
“With the Medtronic GI Genius polyp detection system, you can have confidence that we are using the most advanced technology available to help detect and prevent colon cancer.”
Advanced Technology for Better Care.
At our endoscopy center, we are committed to providing the best care possible to our patients. We believe that the Medtronic GI Genius polyp detection system is a vital tool in this mission, and we are proud to offer it as part of our colonoscopy services. So, if you’re due for a colonoscopy, come see us and experience the benefits of this cutting-edge technology for yourself.